Welcome to Dentalest Sighișoara!

Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic Dentistry


Dentalest thanks to the use of  professional bleaching product, allows to obtain visible results  in a single session, that can maintained  at least 2 years.

Veneers and crowns

Is possible to operate on  teeth with metal free crowns and veneers: small actions that by modeling the shape of your teeth, gives you a natural smile.

The metal-free crowns represent an evolution in the sense of technique and aesthetics, and are made of ceramic material ,hypoallergenic, great transparency and a high esthetic result.

The veneers are a sort of slats which are permanently cemented to the tooth without the need to reduce it, and then with a less invasive technique of preparation of the tooth. They have a strong resistance to abrasion and have a high color stability. In both cases, the naturalness of porcelain, in an extraordinary way that mimics natural teeth, ensures a perfect blend of aesthetics and durability for the harmony of your smile.

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Piața Hermann Oberth Nr. 25/III

Sighișoara România

+40 751 544 856

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